Rückblick Open KOMM!
February 13, 2025
Last Sunday it was time again and we invited everyone to take a look behind the doors of the Kommunikationsfabrik in Gallus. A taster dance workshop was offered in our DFDC studio for all those who like to dance themselves. For those who prefer to sit in the audience, our dancers put on a varied programme. Their own artistic and choreographic works were presented, sometimes as a duo, sometimes as a solo project.
In the Kommunikationsfabrik, both inside and outside, everyone could come together for coffee and cake, play table tennis, try their hand at acrobatics, attend workshops organised by the Freie Kunstakademie, concerts at BETT, an exclusive underground tour, karaoke in the Singvogel singing booths and much more!
We had a great day and were delighted with how many people came to visit us at the OpenKOMM!unikationsfabrik despite the cold February weather. We are looking forward to next year!