William Forsythe receives the kyoto-Price 2024!

June 19, 2024

The Kyoto Prize is also known as "the Nobel Prize of the Arts" and is considered one of the highest honours for services to science and culture. The prize honours Forsythe's contributions to contemporary dance and his groundbreaking works that have revolutionised the understanding of dance.

American choreographer and dancer William Forsythe will receive the Kyoto Prize 2024, which honours Forsythe's contributions to contemporary dance and his groundbreaking works that have revolutionised the understanding of dance. The prize is endowed with approximately €600,000 and has been awarded since 1985 in three categories: technology, basic research and art/philosophy. It is also known as the "Nobel Prize of the Arts" and is considered one of the highest honours for services to science and culture. In the field of dance, only Maurice Béjart, Pina Bausch and John Neumeier have been honoured with this award to date, alongside numerous composers, architects, authors, philosophers, etc.

We warmly congratulate the founder of the DFDC (former The Forsythe Company) on this special honour. William Forsythe directed Ballett Frankfurt from 1984 to 2004. In 2005 he founded The Forsythe Company, which he directed until 2015 and which was later renamed Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Wiliam Forsythe for the creation of a new work in the coming season. The double feature FORSYTHE / HAUERT will celebrate its world premiere in May 2025.

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