My body feels to be the only thing which is truly my own. Witnessing its continuous, sensitive transformation is thrilling.
Samuel Young-Wright studied at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts and completed a pre-professional year at Sydney Dance Company before becoming a member of the ensemble in 2015. At Sydney Dance Company, he danced in works by William Forsythe, Rafael Bonachela, Alexander Ekman, Cheng Tsung-Lung, Jacopo Godani, Andonis Foniadakis, Gideon Obarzanek and Gabrielle Nankivell, among others. In 2018, he became a member of Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company under the direction of Jacopo Godani. He had his debut as a choreographer in 2019 with “Carnegie Solo”, a one-woman piece for the dancer Anne Jung which took third place at the International Choreography Competition in Hannover. Together with four other members of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company, he created the performance installation “Traces”, which was shown at Mousonturm’s Sommerbau in 2021 and Frankfurt F°LAB Festival in 2022.