Of all possible forms of expression, for me dance is the most natural process. It is a way of deeply registering the complexity of being human and exploring the entire spectrum of human capabilities through movement. I view dance as a journey towards authenticity, one that combines a free and uninhibited body with an inquisitive mind. The way real movement flows and connects never lies, and I love watching artists who allow their vulnerability to be seen and become part of their work.
Noémie Larcheveque can still hear the words of a teacher who advised her, shortly before she began her studies at the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance in London, to be more concerned with feeling a movement than visualizing it. Although the visual aspect remains dominant, the inner focus can be put elsewhere. Since discovering this connection, she has experienced a harmony of body and mind. She has gained extensive experience at a variety of dance companies – including Dart Dance Company in Berlin and Of Curious Nature in Bremen. Most recently, she has been particularly inspired by working with Kor’sia, Olga Labovkina, Antonin Comestaz and Wang Ramirez – especially since they expect full participation from their dancers. She has taught dance to all age groups, worked as a model, performed in music videos and is training to be a Pilates instructor.