One of the things I like about dance is thinking of it in its ancestral meaning. I like to see dance as a form of social ritual, used to mark important events and transitions in life through the expression of emotions, from joy and celebration to sorrow and grief. I feel dance as a way of embodying spiritual belief and I see dance as a form of artistic expression, linked to all the archetypes people carry within themselves.
Emanuele Piras began his dance training in Turin. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and then moved in a more performative direction. As a dancer, he performed for many years at Balletto Teatro di Torino and has worked with many international choreographers. Most recently, he was a member of the dance studio CCNR in Lyon. He taught contemporary dance for many years in Italy, Luxembourg and France. He is also active as a photographer, filmmaker and producer of electronic music. His choreographic creativity is closely connected to his travels: he is inspired by the different ways that cultures and people approach dance and by the texture of landscapes. In recent years, he has transposed the impressions gained in those contexts to the studio where he has expanded on them.