Annika Glose

Annika Glose was born in Detmold in 1978. She completed her studies of music and her Master of Arts in Cultural Management at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.
She began her professional career in 2003 at the Staatstheater Darmstadt, before joining the Hofer Symphoniker in 2004 as Head of the Artistic Operations Office. In 2006, she became the sole Managing Director of Junge Deutsche Philharmonie, where she continued the orchestra’s innovative programming with its focus on the contemporary repertoire. She also commissioned numerous works, established the ensemble as an orchestra of the future and strengthened the democratically organized group’s structure and funding. She successfully introduced collaborative partnerships with renowned musicians, including George Benjamin, Kent Nagano and Janine Jansen. A number of new projects took shape as a result of the participatory visions process she initiated, including the cross-genre Freispiel Festival with its innovative concert formats, and an extensive educational program which still takes place today.
After joining the Polytechnische Gesellschaft in 2015, she raised the nonprofit’s profile by introducing new programs and event formats and realigning its communications. Among other activities, she curated the “Zukunft entdecken” series of scientific lectures, with guests such as Harald Lesch, Mojib Latif and Christiane Nüsslein-Vollhard.
In October 2019, the experienced Cultural Manager was appointed Managing Director of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company. She and the company’s Artistic Director, Ioannis Mandafounis, make up the management team.
Since the beginning of her career, one of her key concerns has been facilitating access to aesthetic education for as many people as possible. As a result, she has moderated children’s concerts, supported numerous students as Managing Director of Junge Deutsche Philharmonie while they launched their careers and, in her current position as Managing Director of Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company, developed an extensive educational program in analogue and digital form for a range of target groups.