
One One One

One One One

Ioannis Mandafounis

"One One One" has already taken place on streets and squares, in hospitals, schools and shopping centres around the world. Now the performance is celebrating its Dresden premiere and will take place at various locations in the city.

"One One One" in Dresden is taking place as a supporting program to the production "Join".

Hellerau - European Centre for the ArtsDresden

  • Sat14.09.202417:00
“One One One” at the following locations:

Due to the weather, the performance “One One One” will only take place today at Neustadt station and the Kulturpalast. All open-air venues have been canceled.

Price: free of charge, without registration
Duration: Attendance flexible

One One One

  • Concept, Choreography
    • Ioannis Mandafounis
  • Dance
    • Tänzer*innen der Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company
    • Tanzstudierende der jeweiligen Stadt

One chair, one dancer – that’s the point of departure for “One One One”. Whoever takes a seat becomes the focus of the dance, since the performers improvise based on impulses given by the person in the chair. They continue dancing for as long as eye contact is maintained by both sides. The result is a silent dialogue, an exclusive encounter and an opportunity to see dance through new eyes.

“One One One” is a unique interaction, one that also offers those viewing the scene an experience rich in emotional and choreographic nuances and developments. Initially created in 2015, “One One One” can be staged anywhere and has been performed in streets and squares, in hospitals, schools and shopping centers around the world.

© Stephan Floss
© Stephan Floss
© Stephan Floss
© Stephan Floss
© Stephan Floss
© Stephan Floss
© Stephan Floss
© Stephan Floss
Press reviews

"They are so close and approachable, the professionals. Contemporaries. The basic principle: everything here is momentary art, there is no orderly choreography."

"Instead of the usual count of "five, six, seven, eight", only "one" and "one" applies here. They improvise, dance the unpredictable. The only thing that is fixed is that their eyes look uninterruptedly into the eyes of a pair of spectators in the first row of chairs. Mandafounis' concept forges precious connections with this thought, which is also a feeling." – FAZ, Melanie Suchy

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